
Kean University – North Avenue Academic Building

Bringing Kean University’s health and computer science programs to life.

The multi-story, 114,700 SF mixed-use academic building, containing Health and Computer Sciences, is a sister building to the Green Lane Building, an award-winning building also designed by Gruskin Group™.  

While the Green Lane Building was designed to act as the western gateway to the University, this new multipurpose academic building provides an architectural anchor to the eastern end of the campus, helping to define another prominent gateway to the university.

The six-story structure is linked to the main campus with flowing paths and outdoor seating passing through a park-like setting to the west of the building. This link extends the pedestrian-friendly campus plan and further enhances the definition of the campus along Morris Avenue.

The new building shares similar architectural forms and massing with that of its Green Lane sister, while this “North Ave” building’s materials, detailing, and finishes define its own unique character.  One of the building’s special features is its state-of-the-art, 500-seat auditorium.

Utilizing a Meyer “Constellation” active acoustic system, the space electronically optimizes the acoustics of the auditorium for all of its various activities, including lectures and presentations; playback of 2D or 3D high-definition content, complete with surround sound; vocal, choral, and musical performances; and Kean Board meetings.

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